The Legacy of Viktor Tsoi

Artwork by Viktor Tsoi, 1980s

Who is Viktor Tsoi? A recent documentary explores this question for Westerns unfamiliar with the frontman of the iconic Russian band, Kino. Watch the informative short down below, or here.

According to Louder than War, “in the Russian-speaking world, the name of Viktor Tsoi is emblematic of Perestroika and a turning point in rock music…[as] the “unofficial hymn of Perestroika, Peremen / Our Hearts Demand Changes, [by Kino] has remained an anthem for those fighting for freedom.”

Recent video of protestors singing Kino’s legendary song “Peremen”

The article also notes Tsoi’s friendship with Joanna Stingray who smuggled Kino’s music from the USSR to the United States, “eventually featuring Kino on Red Wave: 4 Underground Bands From the Soviet Union.” Alongside this, the article shares images from Tsoi’s exhibition at St. Petersburg’s K-Gallery, showcasing never-before-seen art from his widow Natasha’s collection.

Click here to read more about Viktor Tsoi’s art.