The Chosen Few featured in “Info Europa”

Published April 15th, Mitja Velikonja’s book The Chosen Few: Aesthetics and Ideology in Football-Fan Graffiti and Street Art was the subject of a major article in the journal “Info Europa” which is a supplement to Austria’s biggest daily newspaper Die Presse with a circulation of 20,000 subscribers plus online members. The issue ” KULTUR IM RAUSCH” (translates to “Culture in a Frenzy”), featuring Velikonja’s meditation on street culture and sports, is emblematic of “Info Europa”‘s goal: to publish country-specific pieces that resonate across the continent. Examining the crossover between art, culture, and socio-politicial issues, Velikonja’s book is wholly relevant to the press.

The full article can be downloaded here, or for more information on The Chosen Few, click here.